bg copia
the only coffee of excellence



The story of our firm Condorelli Caffè can be considered not only a family saga, but also the tale of our attachment to an industry that started working in June 1956. This is what Gaia Condorelli, Chairman of the Board of Condorelli Caffè, tells about it.

“When I was a child, I used to go otfen to the coffee roasting premises  and I remember that jumping on the juta bags full of raw coffee was such a fun! About the roasting process, what I liked most, was the moment when all the smoking coffee beans came out of the machine and fell in to the cooler , I also remember the spicy smell of just roasted coffee, that impressed me so much. Many years have passed since those days but our working process is still the same. This methods has been taught to me by my father Michelangelo who learnt it in turn from his father, our grandfather Natale. During these years our target has been the same, we have been pionting to a product that can be considered the excellence in its field. Nowadays my sisters Anna and Carlotta, along with our father are members of the company and everyday we share all the difficulties and the achievements of our craftsmanship ”.


                                                                                         Condorelli s.r.l.



Sweet curiosity

Check out all the recipes and the most imaginative ways to prepare snacks with our coffee, have fun with us!


Coffee news

Discover all the news that (maybe)  you didn't know about coffee and its use.


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